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Comet is a company that specializes in the production of ARRABINA® dietary fibers, specifically arabinoxylan. They offer multiple grades of fully soluble powders that are versatile and have no taste, color, cost, or performance trade-offs. These dietary fibers have proven tolerability and health claims, with a low inclusion rate for claims and a sustainable approach that has a low impact on the environment. Comet's proprietary line of ARRABINA fiber includes Arrabina® p, a fully-soluble powder with naturally-occurring polyphenol antioxidants that complements coffee, tea, and chocolate flavor profiles without diluting taste or color. They also offer Arrabina® v, a colorless fully-soluble powder that dissolves clear with no impact on taste, making it highly versatile in various applications including functional beverages, baked goods, confectionery, and gummies. Comet's manufacturing facility produces over 4 million kilograms of ARRABINA per year using their patented upcycling technology to create a sustainable alternative by utilizing underutilized plant nutrition in our food system.